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Hybrid Cloud Ops Extension for Zabbix

Q. Is it possible to access AWS API via an HTTP proxy?


It is possible to configure the following.

1: Set proxy information

Set proxy information to environment variable or hyclops.conf

  • http_proxy : proxy setting for communication of http
  • https_proxy : proxy setting for communication of https
  • no_proxy : proxy setting for excluded network

In case of setting in hyclops.conf

http_proxy =
https_proxy =
no_proxy = "localhost,,10.1.1.*"

2: Add code in libcloud for reading proxy settings

Add code in libcloud/common/ “apache-libcloud” python package).

import os    # add
import base64   # add
def connect
### begin to add
    proxy_env = "https_proxy" if port == 443 else "http_proxy"
    proxy_url = os.environ.get(proxy_env)
    if proxy_url:
        proxy = urlparse.urlparse(proxy_url)
        if proxy.hostname and proxy.port:
            if port == 443:
                connection = self.conn_classes[secure](proxy.hostname, proxy.port)
                if proxy.username and proxy.password:
                    headers = kwargs.get('headers', []) 
                    headers = {"Proxy-Authorization":"Basic " + base64.b64encode(proxy.username + ":" + proxy.password)}
                    kwargs["headers"] = headers
                connection = self.conn_classes[False](proxy.hostname, proxy.port)
### end to add
    self.connetion = connection


If your systems python version is 2.6, you cannot use authentication proxy. If you use the proxy of no authentication, you have to set the following settings.

Set in libcloud/common/ “apache-libcloud” python package).

def connect
    connection = self.conn_classes[False]("proxy hostname", proxy port number)   # <=Add proxy settings option
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