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Prepare Data Pool

This tutorial shows how to prepare data pool.

Load CoNLL Format

We can use the ColumnDataset class to load CoNLL format.

from seqal.datasets import ColumnDataset

columns = {0: "text", 1: "ner"}
pool_file = "./data/sample_bio/labeled_data_pool.txt"
data_pool = ColumnDataset(pool_file, columns)
unlabeled_sentences = data_pool.sentences

We can get sentences from data_pool by calling sentences property.


This prints:

Sentence: "this is New York"   [− Tokens: 4  − Token-Labels: "this is New <B-LOC> York <I-LOC>"]

Load Plain Text

We can use load_plain_text to read the unlabeled dataset. This will create a list of Sentence objects.

from seqal.utils import load_plain_text

file_path = "./data/sample_bio/unlabeled_data_pool.txt"
unlabeled_sentences = load_plain_text(file_path)

This prints:

Sentence: "this is New York"   [− Tokens: 4]

Non-spaced Language

As we mentioned in TUTORIAL_2_Prepare_Corpus, we have to provide the tokenized data for non-spaced language.

An example with CoNLL format:

東京 B-LOC
は O
都市 O
です O

If the input format is plain text 東京は都市です. We should tokenize the sentence.

We mainly use the spacy model for the tokenization.

import spacy
from seqal.transformer import Transformer

nlp = spacy.load("ja_core_news_sm")
tokenizer = Transformer(nlp)
unlabeled_sentences = [tokenizer.to_subword(sentence) for sentence in sentences]

We also can directly use the spacy tokenizer.

import spacy
from import Sentence
from flair.tokenization import SpacyTokenizer

tokenizer = SpacyTokenizer("ja_core_news_sm")
unlabeled_sentences = [Sentence(sentence, use_tokenizer=tokenizer) for sentence in sentences]

We should download the spacy model beforehand and we can find different language's spacy model in spacy models.