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Installation from PyPI

SeqAL is available on PyPI:

pip install seqal

SeqAL officially supports Python 3.8+.

Construct Envirement Locally

If you want to make a PR or implement something locally, you can follow below instruction to construct the development envirement locally. It will install the latest SeqAL from the main branch.

We use conda as the envirement management tool, so install it first. Here is the installation tutorial for conda. We recommend the install Miniconda due to it's small size.

First we create a environment seqal based on the environment.yml file.

conda env create -f environment.yml

Then we activate the environment.

conda activate seqal

Install poetry for dependency management.

curl -sSL | python -

Add poetry path in your shell configure file (bashrc, zshrc, etc.)

export PATH="$HOME/.poetry/bin:$PATH"

Installing dependencies from pyproject.toml.

poetry install

This command will install all dependencies to seqal environment.

You can make development locally now.

If you want to delete the local envirement, run below command.

conda remove --name seqal --all